We must drink to the health of the bride 我们要为新娘的健康干杯。
Let us drink to the health of our father 让我们举杯为父亲祝福。
We must drink to the health of the bride 我们要为新娘的健康干杯
I wish to drink to the health of edmond and the lovely merc 我想再喝几杯来祝德爱德蒙和那可爱的美塞苔丝健康。 ”
They drank to the health of bekleshov , of naryshkin , of uvarov , of dolgorukov , of apraxin , of valuev , to the health of the stewards , to the health of the committee , to the health of all the club members , to the health of all the guests of the club , and finally and separately to the health of the organiser of the banquet , count ilya andreitch 人们为别克列绍夫纳雷什金乌瓦罗夫多尔戈鲁科夫阿普拉克辛瓦卢耶夫的健康,为理事们的健康为管事人的健康,为俱乐部全体成员的健康为俱乐部的列位来宾的健康干杯,末了,单独为宴会筹办人伊利亚安德烈伊奇伯爵的健康干杯。